pimpcoatbankai Jan 18, 2011 12:51
toushi vs kc, ~bell, ~will, ~kazahana, ~kind, ~ambassador, kc is a mutant, ~kiba, someone's in the doghouse, kazahana's going to keel joo ded, ow damn it ow!
pimpcoatbankai Aug 19, 2010 13:27
toushi vs kc, bunnies suck more when you are one, ~paladin, ~peachblossom, bunnies still suck, ~gene, ~kazahana, ~huo, ~stellaris, ~ambassador, ~snake, ~cara, ~smoke, justice is a crazy cat lady
pimpcoatbankai Dec 15, 2009 01:25
mmm- sweet sugary goodness, toushi vs kc, ~blood, what is this fuckery?, tastes like a strawberries to me, kc is a mutant, ~kazahana